Wednesday, October 31, 2007

NaNoWriMo 2007 edition

With little notice I have started writing again for this year's NaNoWriMo. I completed it in 2005 and am again attempting it. For those of you not in the know, National Novel Writing Month is a global event where particpants try to finish a 50,000 word novel in one month. (You might want to give that website a little time. It's getting slammed at the moment coinciding the global start of the event. I expect it could go down completely at any moment.) It's much harder than it sounds. That's about the length of The Great Gatsby or Moby Dick. The event has also been described as a caffine and alcohol fueled exercise in futility, or conversely, a globally shared dip into insanity. What ever it is, I am well equiped this year with a better story, new CDs, a a new headphone amp, good tea, red wine, a slow month, and a reason to stay inside - a cold. Past expeience tells me proabably the most important thing will be a story that will nearly writes itself. My only worry at this point is that I don't have a title yet. It has left me directionless and restless. I will report the title to my readers as soon as I have decided on a title. People wanting to watch my run at 50,000 words in more detail can visit my profile page on the NaNoWriMo site. Anyways, I'm back to writing; I shan't waste my word count here!


Sir Booby McChestington the Third said...

i'm afraid moby dick is closer to the 200,000 word range... (perhaps you were thinking of Old Man and the Sea) I believe I may also participate, by madlibbing the Great Gatsby!!
"Justin Timberlake turned out all troubled at the middle; it is what danced on Justin, what mummified crabs stabbed in the wake of his dreams that slowly closed out my carelessness in the gratuitous muffins and misguided cheeseburgers of men."

hmmm... or perhaps i would write my own composition: "A Novel of Importance in a British Accent"

ciao ciao

Sir Booby McChestington the Third said...

best of luck!