Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Lots to report about the graduation ceremony I just came back from in response to some comments. (I have just enough time to blog before lunch.) A lot less crying this year than last. I was fearing the worst since the whole thing is set up as sort of a "pressure-cooker" scenario but in hindsight I knew my grade sixes were made of sterner stuff. You look at them as a group and know - just know - that everything is going to be alright. I don't know why I worried so much. One student did nearly faint near the beginning, just to stress my point about the "pressure-cooker scenario". He was alright after a bit but they wouldn't let him on the stage. They all had a bit of a "deer-in-the-headlights" look; having one-size too big junior high school uniform hanging off their frames, instead of filling them, probably didn't help. They all deserve a special dinner tonight in my book.

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