Sunday, April 09, 2006

Welcoming Ceremony

Well today's ceremony welcoming for the new grade ones was short and sweet. I saw lots of happy parents and was relived to finally find out what teacher had what grade (no one tells me anything, so I had to be patient and find out myself). This ceremony was indeed more upbeat; but each group still sang the other a song. The grade ones, when put on the spot, are very shy, but many all ready know me. I was standing talking to another teacher and one of the new grade ones ran over and hug me in front of their mother. The parent did a poor job at hiding how shocked she was. Slightly awkward moment; so I just introduced myself. Then I had to pry her daughter off my leg. I should of brought my camera because their were many interesting moments but it skipped my mind this morning. I was surpirised to learn that the two grade one classes each had two teachers. Making a ratio of about ten to one in the classroom. That's amazing. The grade fives have exactly forty students, the absolute limit in Japan. It all makes me so confused about what to think about the Japanese school system.

Now, the next challange for me is lunch. I have no food at my house nor do I really feel like spending money. It is a pressing issue because lunch is in three minutes and I am hungry.

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