Wednesday, March 22, 2006

End of Class

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I think the kids called it quits sometime last week but I had my last English class for the year today. I only had two classes - far apart on the schedule - so I had to busy myself. I helped with some preparation for tomorrow's ceremony doing some last minute painting. I also watched some of the rehearsal. The grade fives are mostly running the show themselves, with help and oversight from the teachers. Most of the teachers look pretty frazzled themselves, especially the grade five homeroom teacher, because most of the planning and problems fall to her. I am on the other end of the spectrum, just trying to stay out of the way.

I have painted many things in my various part-time jobs in Stony Plain and found this morning's painting activity very relaxing. (Especially since I was left to myself because everyone else was busy with more pressing business.) I became very nostalgic. It seems in past times like these I would have been listening to The Bear (out of Edmonton on the radio) or that new station Sean introduced me to (out of Nisku) before I left. However in recent years, including here in Shikaoi, I have enjoyed listening to CBC Radio One. This is a good station to fall back on when I am not with a group and no consensus needs to be reached.

Class went especially well. The grade ones were a bit noisy and it was a mistake to try and teach them a new game but I didn't make that choice. The grade threes would not stopping laughing long enough to finish anything; most famously at the end of the Hokey-Pokey when all the kids piled onto each other in laugher. I wouldn't really call this flexing my comedy muscle - people at home will confirm this - and we were reviewing have/don't have, and I asked a student if he had a monkey, and everyone started laughing. I was smiling, but I really had no idea what they found so hilarious, part of that class' charm I guess. I would love to understand what was so funny to cause kids to fall over each other laughing, then I could harness that power and sell it or be super-funny or get a T.V. deal or something. It took forever to get them under control again to explain the next activity but it was worth it. You risk being smite'd if you silence children's laughter.

Today for dinner I am going to cook anything left in my fridge. I know for a fact I have potatoes in there and some spinach. We shall see.

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