Saturday, March 18, 2006


I am presently in the final nine hours of the weekend. Yesterday I worked very hard to get lots of chores done - dishes washed, vacuuming done, car washed, groceries - so today was pretty slow. Yesterday morning I went for a run too but today it was overcast and drizzling so I decided I rather go for a walk and get some fresh air. I think it was a very good choice. I didn't see much, just lots of puddles and dirty snow. It was very quiet, no one seemed to be out; only a couple of cars passed me. I listened to Radiohead's OK Computer on my iPod. Now there is a album that never seems to get old. It was good match for the weather.

Last night we went to the Pure Malt "Sound Festival." It was very fun but over far too early. Strange how early things end here. Anyways, we went out to the Pub and was surprised to find Shikaoi Sho Gakko's grade two teachers and parents out celebrating - I guess - their kid's graduation. I couldn't figure out who was watching the kids but it seemed like as good a reason to celebrate. I think the students would be startled how relieved the parents are that the kids passed grade two. All the parent's say I'm famous. It's an interesting system in Japan because normally the teacher's will have the same class for all six years, thus close bonds form.

Tonite I'm going out for dinner again, but then Monday I think I will make stew, the last stew of winter.

Next week I only have Shikaoi Sho Gakko grade one, two and three's. I am planning a short "Blair Quiz" to see if they remember what I told them. Basically, it's set up like a giant multiple choice quiz where the kids have to run to A, B or C. Example questions might be: "What Noodles do you like?" a) Soba b) Ramen or c) Udon. "What Drink do you like?" a) Milk b) Water or c) Orange juice. I think it will be crazy fun!

Now to read, maybe have a nap.

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