Saturday, September 03, 2005

One More Day

This will probably be my last post from terrestrial Alberta. I have a little bit of spare time because the last load of laundry is in the drier. Above is a picture of a small gathering we had last night at the house with good family and friends. I'm rather perturbed at everyone having a party to celebrate my leaving. But in the end a good time was had by all. One more day... If you are wondering if I'm all packed because you might be the type of person that would leave it all until tonite-- I was mostly packed yesterday. I don't want to leave anything to chance. It is important to know in case you become faced with a last minute dilemma of what to leave behind because you ran out of room.

Cafe Select on Thursday night was a huge success. Shout out to Sue, Mike, Pat, Jamie and Lynnette. We capped off the evening in perfect style; running three blocks and seeing the Alberta centennial fireworks display. Which were great. Theres something very magical about fireworks to for humans. We've all been going to Cafe Select on Jasper Ave and 106 St. for years. Its very dark and loungy and has great atmosphere. It was the perfect choice.

I'm starting to get very excited about returning to Japan. It's been such a long time since I have been to Japan on my Rotary exchange. I've had to have great patience seeing many other Rotary exchange students return to their host country before I. But, this is the way I wanted to return, for a much great length of time. To be able deeply enter the Japanese culture and re-experience it has great value to me. In a moment of frank honesty, I can't wait to eat Japanese food again, real Japanese food.

My plane will be leaving at 9:40 A.M. tomorrow so everyone just think about where they will be compare to I.

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