Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Got very dirty today. If you think I portray a feeling of casual indifference in this post, you are correct! Class was changed today (without telling me, as per usual), and instead we made cheesecake all morning. Fun, for sure; it was held to promote milk drinking I guess. I'm not sure. The cheese we used was homemade cream cheese from Tokachi cows. It was a weird texture but almost too tasty to use in a kids' cake - earthy and creamy. Does anyone know what gets egg out of pants? One of my students had a headache and was feeling particularly needy for attention. I was supervising, making sure someone didn't take an eye out with a spatula or something, and he hugged me. Cute! Except that his hands were covered in raw egg. Hmm. In a sign of true bachelor laziness, I still haven't talking off the pants as I type this, which turned out to be okay because upon making dinner I spilled something very gross on me. I don't even remember how tofu comes in Canada, but here it comes packaged with tofu water. Clearly it's a good skill to develop to open the package without squeezing it just so and creating a gush of tofu water. Normally I am careful but I mustn't have been paying attention, clearly not the state of mind to be in when using a knife. But, keeping the role of optimist, I had to consider my good luck in stopped the tofu water spray with my body from getting all over the kitchen. And... I was already dirty, the Gods were truly smiling on me.

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