Sunday, November 26, 2006

A contest!

After a quick phone call from my parents this morning I was out the door to Urimaku. I had been invited by the teachers on behalf of the students to watch their kindergarden concert. In this concert, far less was lost in translation. My students at Urimaku were the first group of kindergartners whom I really got to know well and it was a lot of fun to watch all their hard work come to together. We have something called "one shots" with other English teachers which means you only get to see a class maybe once or twice a year (and this affects the lesson plan details). My job with the BOE doesn't work like that, I get to see all my students often and over a long period they become familiar with my presence. Furthermore, on my part, I slowly get to learn the kids names and more importantly, their temperaments, which is invaluable to teaching effectively. The songs by the one year olds were especially interesting because beforehand everything in practice had gone smoothly but today in front of the bright lights they all froze. You would think they had only practiced a cute, abet blank, stare. A friend noted he didn't think the grandparents cared. In one of the above images a bear can be seen on the right hand side. It was a cool, well-done costume and the kid knew it and really hammed it up. Very funny.

I also wanted to introduce a contest. The degree of difficulty is high and with a correct answer one will win the internet's collective amazement. Have a go at identifying the foreign object the parents below represent:

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