Sunday, April 22, 2007

Shiakoi News: Monday Edition

Today's first news fit to print is the winner of Shikaoi's town election: Incumbent Yoshida-san has held on for another term. I have no details or gossip about the election but am elated about the fact that the speaker-vans will be dismantled now. Still to come today a long post about Hong Kong.

The strange thing about arriving in Sapporo yesterday was that everyone on the flight was searched and questioned about counterfeit goods. I am glad to see Japan doing their part to stop the trade of counterfeit goods as China doesn't seem to be making a dent or, for that matter, making much of an effort. Regardless, suspiousion was immedicately cast on me because my bag was so heavy. They found the book I bought about George Washington and the CDs I bought. I'm glad I had the foresight to keep the receipts right with me. The large container of Canadian peanut butter took longer to explain.

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