Thursday, May 15, 2008

I don't get it

My grade two's must have been to a check up recently because they were all over me today; grilling me about my dietary choices; checking for grey hairs (still none) and generally poking and pinching me. I don't exactly see its connection to health but eventually I was declared "safe", their only word for "healthy" gleaned from baseball. I was also harshly hushed by this same class for talking during Pokemon at lunch. As a treat the teacher allowed them watch Pokemon and I was caught babbling on about something when they wanted to watch the action. As for me, I don't understand the attraction of poorly drawn, poorly voiced anime, but the students seemed to like it. In the end, I might as well tried to carry on a converation with a carrot for how enchanted they were with the video. I couldn't keep up with all the characters and each's motovation. Did you know Pokemon characters differ vastly in size? I was admondished for thinking Pika Chu was the cutest as evidently that title is held but some... other... thing. I am reminded about the time I started to watch the first Harry Potter moive ten minutes in; I couldn't all the different characters straight nevermind what they were talking about. I was eventually kicked out of the room and thus ended my brief encounter with Harry Potter's world. 

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