The pace of Shikaoi got slower today as I dropped Terry and Judy off at a remote mountain onsen in honour on their 33rd wedding anniversary. I had written previously of the
best onsen in the world but forgot to remind them to check out the sunset. I hope they got to see it! While not completely overcast, the peaks of the mountains seemed to have caught the clouds, shoulding their tops from view. But leave it to nature, driving home I noticed a great view of the low sun's golden rays raking the valley floor which I knew would be stunning from the second floor of the hotel located on a mountain ridge. Tomorrow we three head to Tokyo!
Some pictures:

Ah. The fascinating things Japan chooses to commemorate. Sure it's not the foot print of the Buddha or where Napoleon once tied his shoelace. But this giant log noting this national park's lookout point had Terry mesmerized and Judy amazed. Actually, an interesting fact; I took Aunt Judy to a beautiful look out point over Tokachi and she took pictures of a concrete fence. Go figure! I'm greatful my guests are so easy to please.

For those worried Uncle Terry may be starving; I offer photographic proof to the contrary. Here he is in esatacy over Yakiniku (Japanese BBQ).

Okay, now it's my turn to embarrass myself. I don't remember exactly why I was laughing so hard but if the character below was taking your picture (the bar owner Masta) you too would have trouble keeping a straight face.

Here we are just about to leave my house today. It's hard to imagine but we three are all talking at once trying to remember if we forgot anything slash turned off all the lights. What great guests!!!