This is kind of interesting; I hope to do the story justice. First some background, not the interesting part: I arrived at school to my co-workers' surprise. I no longer blog about cancelled classes without notice but have kept my sense of humour about it. Today offered a different sernerio: they still had English class but just didn't know I'd be coming. With some quick reorganizing of the lesson plans we were set. My English teacher companion had a novel idea that only works for small classes in regards to introducing flavors - sour, sweet, etc. For a reasonable amount of money he collected the six flavors we wanted to introduce. Normally, this kind of thing is impossible for 30 students. It's just choas to introduce and monitor this type of activity. However, with only three grade ones and three grade twos, plus me, the homeroom teacher and Kosuke-sensei, it was very doable. This lent the lesson the feeling of a small garden tea party (no doubt re-enforced by the fact there are no boys in that class.) This kind of interactive activity tends not to be the most efficient use of time; the reactions and subsequent sharing of opinions eat up time. However, witnessing the kids, no one could deny they weren't having fun. The teachers could just step back. They kept us three in stitches with their comments and did me proud using their newly learned vocab. They hated the ground up coffee beans but begged for more sour candies, far more sour than I could handle. Yummy - I guess not really a flavor - was handled by store bought soft chocolate chip cookies which I will have to scout out more of some time. Additional news from the school suprised me when I learned the gym was closed for the removel of asbestos. I remember hearing about the national removal program three years ago and I guess they're only getting to some schools now. Asbestos is pretty benign until it's disturbed.
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